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Weapon of Mass Destruction Here Plowshares
On Tuesday morning, June 20, 2006, a Roman Catholic priest and two veterans were
arrested at a nuclear missile silo in North Dakota after they hammered on the lid
and entry hatch, spray painted "It's a sin to build a nuclear weapon" and other messages
and hung banners on the fence.

The Trial of the WMD Here Plowshares Clowns
by Bill Quigley
Closing Argument
Day 2 of Trial (verdict)
Bismarck Trib 9/14

Legal Documents and Updates
New Discovery Pictures (9/6/06)

Trial date , Festival of Hope Planned
News Articles& Press Releases
Jail Address
Bill Quigley visits Plowshares and writes...
WMD HerePlowshares Statement
Bios and Pictures
Fact Sheet

Silo Graphics
Some Pictures
Comments about the Action
International Law
Federal Detainer
In their own words, the story of the WMD Here Plowshares
Rev. Carl Kabat, OMI
Greg Boertje-Obed
Mike Walli

Greg Boertje-Obed, Carl Kabat, Mike Walli at E-9 missile silo in North Dakota
On Tuesday morning, June 20, 2006, a Roman Catholic priest and two veterans were arrested at a nuclear missile silo in North Dakota after they hammered on the lid and entry hatch, spray painted "It's a sin to build a nuclear weapon" and hung banners on the fence.

Write to Judge Hovland concering his remarks to Greg Boertje-Obed during sentencing (address and sample letters from Michele Naar-Obed and Rachel Obed)


Mike Walli sentenced in Federal Court 11/15/06
8 months
$17,000 restitution
no supervised release
Greg Boertje-Obed Sentenced 11/16/06
1 year and a day, $17,000 restitution,
no supervised release
Bill Quigley's reflection on the Sentencing.
Carl Kabat, OMI
sentenced to 15 months in prison, 17,000 in restitution
sentencing statement

The trailer for an original play about Father Carl Kabat, a radical priest with clownish tendencies.
"A surreal meditation on loyalty to one's conscience ... with a sprinkling of Cirque du Soleil and a dollop of Samuel Beckett."
- St.Louis Post-
Dispatch (YouTube)